Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, and is considered a fundamental act of worship, promoting spiritual purification and closeness to Allah. However, if someone cannot fast due to valid reasons such as illness, old age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or travelling, they are exempt of fasting. Such individuals can compensate by paying Fidiya. Islam is a religion of ease. Our religion acknowledges human weaknesses and provides leniency in certain situations to accommodate individual circumstances. Fidiya is a form of compensation paid by individuals who are unable to fast during the month of Ramadan. It serves to make up for the missed fasts and is calculated based on either feeding a needy person for every missed fast or providing the equivalent amount in cash. At KGNWT, we facilitate the donation of fidiya to the most deserving individuals, ensuring that your contributions reach to the poor and needy, alleviating their sufferings during Ramadan and beyond.
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